A blue wedding dress is not something unbelievable. There are a lot of variations in styles, combinations with other shades, accessories, and decorations, which gives to each gown's uniqueness, allow it to stand out from the guests, and not merge with the total mass of brides in white gowns.
Perhaps, ladies who loved fairy tales about fairies and princesses in their childhood paid attention to how often they were dressed in blue dresses. The blue color has always been considered a symbol of fortune, and associates with a bird of happiness. Blue color-grade is unusual and rich: gray-blue, silver blue, dusty blue wedding dresses, and other tints fascinate our eyes and hearts.
The delicate gray-blue wedding dress means relaxation and contrasts with everything that is tiring, symbolizing calmness, peace, and contemplation. This color is unpretentious and romantic. It contains the aspect of close harmony with nature.
Gray and blue wedding dress are also associated with innocence. Blue is a symbol of purity, kindness, and love. At the same time, it personifies motherhood and femininity.
There are wedding superstitious beliefs about the blue dress of the bride: if a young lady dresses in such a gown, then the husband will be faithful to her, and family life will be long and happy. Therefore, brides, even in classic white dresses, at all times tried to use blue elements in their dress. In general, blue, like its rich array of colors, is surprisingly suitable for young ladies of any style. Brunettes and blondes look great in this color, and if a young lady also has light-colored eyes, then the dress is just perfect.